Variome including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertion and deletions (InDels) and structure variations (SVs) for 1,844 diverse germplasms.
Transcriptome of Yugu1, Ci846, and A10 across approximately 28 tissue types and various growth stages, along with the grain transcriptome of 312 foxtail millet germplasms during the late grain filling stage.
Metabolomic analysis of over 300 Foxtail Millet germplasms during late grain filling across two years and three geographic locations..
Phenome refers to the phenotype as a whole expression of genome for a trait in a given environment while in phenomics we get high-dimensional phenotypic data on millet at large scale.
Correlation Analysis Reveals Phenotype, Transcriptome, Metabolome Associations in foxtail millet.