2.1 - Variome
2.2 - Phenotype
2.3 - Transcriptome
2.4 - Metabolome
2.5 - Correlations
3.1 - BLAST
3.2 - JBrowse
3.3 - Primer Design
3.4 - GO & KEGG
3.5 - Correlations
3.6 - Haplotype

Setaria-db focuses on integrating reference genomes, genomic variations, germplasms, and multi-omics data of foxtail millet into a database, and establishing their relations to assist the foxtail millet community for better genetic resources exploration and breeding.

Located on the homepage, this is a gateway linking to all gene- or annotations- related function throughout the entire database.


This module allows users to search for genomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic variations across diverse natural accessions currently accessed.

2.1 Variome

Both Yugu1 T2T-based and Yugu1 v2.2-based genomic variants (including SNPs, InDels, and SVs) are provided for the 113 assembled genomes and 1,844 global germplasms. Users can peruse variation details for any desired accession or region.

Data Sources Reference Yugu1_v2.2
Data Set 1844 world-wide germplasms
112 pan-genome
Variation Search CHROM Chr1~Chr9
POS Physical locations can also be input to show the variations in the segment.
GENE ID Input foxtail millet gene ID, Ex: Seita.7G390300
SAMPLES Input a foxtail millet sample name or sample set, Ex: WGS0202
2.2 Phenotype

In this module, 226 phenotype datasets, which including 60 traits from 13 distinct geographic loci across 11 years are provided. Users can check and download all datasets apply for genome wide association studies or genomic predication or haplotype analysis with genomic variants data.

Geographic Distribution The geographic location where the trait was collected is shown on a map of China, with the number representing the number of samples where the trait was collected at that geographic location.
Trait Distribution Distribution of all samples across all years and geographic locations.
Location Distribution Demonstrate distribution of traits by different environments
Year Distribution Demonstrate the distribution of traits in different years.
2.3 Transcriptome

Transcriptome modules provide the search function for gene expression of Yugu1, Ci846, and A10 across approximately 28 tissue types and various growth stages, along with the grain transcriptome of 312 foxtail millet germplasms during the late grain filling stage.

2.3.1 Multiple-Tissues

In multiple-Tissues, users can input a single target gene and select a germplasm (wild: A10, landrace: Ci846 and elite line: Yugu1) to check the expression pattern of the gene in different tissues at different stages.

2.3.2 Multiple-Samples

In multiple-Samples, the gene expression could be check and display with heatmap for different germplasms.

2.4 Metabolome
2.5 Correlations

This module designed for in-depth data study, it will facilitate correlation analyses between phenotype-vs-transcriptome, phenotype-vs-metabolome, and transcriptome-vs-metabolome.


In this module we provide toolkits such as BLAST, JBrowse, Primer, CRISPR design, GO & KEGG enrichment analysis, and Correlation analysis.

3.2 JBrowse

Genome browser is launched by JBrowse2. The Yugu1_T2T is provided as reference genome. The gene annotation, ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq, HiC,RNAseq and SV variation are also can be viewed.

3.3 Primer Design
3.3.1 Design primers by reference position
3.3.2 Design primers with input sequence
3.4 GO & KEGG
3.5 Correlations

In the correlation analysis module, there are three functions that can be selected and executed: Phenotype -vs - Transcription, Phenotypic -vs- Metabolic and Metabolism -vs- Transcription.

3.5.1 Phenotype -vs - Transcription

where the use of Phenotype -vs - Transcription is described in Manual 2.5.

3.5.2 Phenotype -vs- Metabolism
3.5.3 Metabolism -vs- Transcription
3.6 Haplotype
3.6.1 Yugu1-v2.2 Gene Locus

3.6.2 Chromosome Region

3.6.3 SNP sites

3.6.4 Haplotype Results

Results - Summary of input

Results - SNPs

You can download the SNPs used for haplotype analysis in this part.

Results - Haplotype info

You can download the result file of haplotype analysis in this part.

Results - Statistics Info

Results of "equality of variances", "ANOVA" and "t-tests" are displayed in this part.